Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Project Natal

I think that the Project Natal demonstrations show some pretty cool technology.  I think that, if this actually ships, this will easily give the Xbox 360 an easy way into the casual gaming market, and could be a serious competitor to the Nintendo Wii.

Project Natal, use a camera/microphone device to allow you to interact with the Xbox interface.  Facial and voice recognition allows a deeper interaction than the Nintendo Wii implements.

Below, I have embedded several videos of Project Natal.  I hope that when it actually ships it does just half as much as is shown in these videos.

[via Google Blogoscoped & Engadget]


  1. Im skeptical :) but also very interested to see how it pans out

  2. [...] Here is a pretty cool video Jimmy Fallen playing with the Project Natal demo [...]


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