Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Posting daily activity

A while ago, I configured to post the list of bookmarks from that day on my blocg.  For some reason this stopped working for me.  I like these type of automatic posts, as it makes it easy to share various pages.

I decided to write a plugin for LifeType that will import a rss feed, and then "summarize" the rss items and create a post with this text.  I probably could have gotten the blog posting to work, but If I created the plugin, this woud allow me to include Google Reader shared items, or Twitter tweets in the post.

Google Reader does have the ability to share a list of items, but  unfortunately, the only way to get this list is with some javascript.  The problem that I have with this is that it is not possible to have the contents of the list remain static once posted.  For example, if I look at a post from a year ago, I want to see the list of shared items that were shared a year ago. What happens now is that the latest shared items will always be shown, even for old posts that include the javascript.

Once I installed the plugin (I will create a wiki page for this plugin), the next tricky part was to get the feed to only contain items from th last 24 hours. doesn't have a way to limit the items in the feed by date, but I found this Yahoo Pipe that can do that.

The next thing that I want to do is include the items that I share in Google Reader.  One thing that doesn't make this as easy as I would have liked is that there isn't a way to determine the items that were shared in the last 24 hours.  Unlike the feed, the entries in the rss feed aren't dated with the date of when the item was shared.  Instead, the date is the original publish date of the article.

I think that have a solution for this, and will write about this when I test it some more.

1 comment:

  1. Scoble actually predicted a Google Reader social bookmarking engine in 2006.
    You can now add friends to your friends list, share feed items, bookmark single blog posts from blogs that you read on the web and here’s the kicker, there is now a blog recommendation engine that recommends blogs you do not read by what your friends list is subscribed to in their Google Readers.
    Then, everything you share and bookmark in Google Reader of course comes up on your Google shared items page linked to by your Google profile.
    What really blew me away was the recommendation engine. If you add as many of your email list subscribers as you can to your Google Reader you can get a real good idea of what other blogs your subscribers are reading.
    The links in your shared items are all HTML and fully followed so every time one of your RSS subscribers shares a blog post it is creating incoming links to your site.
    Better yet, it uses the exact blog post title you wrote so now your links use your keyword phrases and bookmarkers can’t change your title tag.
    After talking to my SEO top dog contacts, they were all floored and assured me this is the new SEO tactic that no one knows about.
    It is kind of hard to add friends, the easiest way is to send a chat invite from Gmail and then email your contact you want to friend and have them email you back. It seems Google wants a two way conversation before they will allow you to become mutual friends.
    If you would like to friend me, add chrislang at to your Google Gmail chat and send me an email letting me know so I can return an email to you, thereby creating a two way connection in Google.
    Google is quietly rolling this out behind the scenes but it is a full blown social bookmarking application and the blog recommendation engine is the new blog marketing strategy.
    One thing I have not quite figured out is if using FeedBurner now hurts you since the links point at the FeedBurner redirect rather than your site like a WordPress feed does.


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