I have been getting frustrated that the podcasts that were being put into iTunes from Shrook were not being put into a single playlist. So I have been looking for some solutions. I first tried to create a smart playlist, but you can not create rules based upon the location of the files.
I have been working on an AppleScript that would automatically copy the tracks from Shrook into a playlist. Below is what I have come up with so far.
The problem with this implementation is that it iterates over every item in the iTunes Library, so it takes a long time. I am going to change it so it only iterates over the files that have been downloaded by Shrook
-- Path to the Shrook attachment folder
property pathToShrookAttachments : ""
-- name of the playlist
property podcastPlaylist : ""
if pathToShrookAttachments is "" then
set pathToShrookAttachments to choose folder with prompt "Choose your Shrook Attachments folder" default location ((((path to application support from user domain) as string) & ":Shrook2:Attachments") as alias)
end if
if podcastPlaylist is "" then
set dialogResult to display dialog "What playlist should podcasts be added to?" default answer "Podcast"
if button returned of dialogResult is "OK" then
set podcastPlaylist to text returned of dialogResult
end if
end if
tell application "iTunes"
if not (exists (some playlist whose name is podcastPlaylist)) then
set new_playlist_id to (make new playlist with properties {name:podcastPlaylist})
set mySource to container of view of front window
set new_playlist_id to playlist podcastPlaylist of mySource
end if
set trackList to {}
if duration of new_playlist_id is greater than 0 then
set trackList to (get database ID of (every file track of new_playlist_id))
end if
display dialog "Checking tracks..." buttons {""} giving up after 2
repeat with t from 1 to count of every file track of library playlist 1
with timeout of 300000 seconds
set aTr to (file track t of library playlist 1)
set trackLoc to location of aTr as string
if ((offset of (pathToShrookAttachments as string) in trackLoc) is 1) then
-- This track came from Shrook
if trackList does not contain aTr's database ID then
-- the track has not been added to playlist
duplicate aTr to new_playlist
end if
end if
end try
end timeout
end repeat
end tell
Technorati Tags: AppleScript
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